Privacy Policy

General Travel Group Pty Ltd — commitment to your privacy

The General Travel Group Pty Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on our sites to make our services the best they can be and to enhance your overall experience. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others, unless you consent or as expressly set out in this Privacy Policy. We will not send you e-mail that you have not consented to receive.

What information does the General Travel Group Pty Ltd gather?

Unless you specifically tell us, the General Travel Group Pty Ltd will never know who you are. You may, however, elect to tell us things that you want us to remember. We hope that, like many of our users and customers, you will want to provide information about yourself to the General Travel Group Pty Ltd website(s) because it will help us to make our sites and services more valuable to you.

We collect your personal information at the time you facilitate an online enquiry, although you may choose to provide us with additional information so that the quality of service received is improved. Please note that any additional information you provide to us concerning special requirements for services to be provided is only collected and/or used as necessary in order to provide you with specific additional travel arrangements or information.

Your personal information will only be used or disclosed as is necessary for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with the services available through the website,
  • for administrative purposes and to assist us to improve our websites and services,
  • to provide you with information and offers relevant to our services,

If you are comfortable providing us with information about yourself, services such as travel information will become available to you, but in most cases it will not be possible for us to offer them to anonymous users. In some instances where we are providing services to you or your clients we require personal information. All the information we gather is stored by the General Travel Group Pty Ltd on a secure site protected by state-of-the-art 'firewalls' and is never shared with anyone except as set out in this Privacy Policy.

We track traffic patterns throughout our sites. We use a feature of your browser called a "cookie" to assign a Session ID. The Session ID by itself cannot be used to find out your identity or the identities of any of our users: it only identifies your browser session to our servers when you visit our sites, and it only lasts until the end of your current browser session.

Why do we gather the information and how will we use it?

The General Travel Group Pty Ltd aims to provide you with better services and more compelling reasons to come back and visit our site.

In the future, we may use the information you provide us with to provide personalised portions of our sites to you that are intended to provide just the information you are interested in receiving.

We analyse what our users and customers like and don't like about the content and services on the General Travel Group Pty Ltd sites so that we can constantly improve them for your use.

Occasionally, we will send you e-mail communications to provide information which we think you will find useful, including information about travel deals and services from the General Travel Group Pty Ltd and/or its wholly owned associated companies. It is our policy only to send e-mail to customers who give us permission to do so. In every such e-mail, we will also have instructions on how you may unsubscribe from the email list so that you will not receive any future e-mails if you do not wish to — see the "Opt-out Policy" below.

How do we use and disclose your personal information?

In general General Travel Group Pty Ltd may use and disclose your personal information for a number of reasons, including:

  • verify your identity
  • administer the websites and provide you with access to the websites
  • keep you informed about General Travel Group Pty Ltd news and information including by distributing newsletters, publications and other communication via various mediums
We may disclose your personal information to:
  • companies that we have engaged to carry out functions and activities on our behalf
  • organisations where it is perceived that disclosure may lessen a risk of harm to the health or safety of any person
  • our professional advisers, including our accountants, auditors and lawyers
  • our insurers
  • as otherwise required by law
Trans-border data flows and third party websites.

Where it is required to provide a good or service which you have purchased, we will disclose your personal information to third parties, some of whom may be overseas. You accept that these third parties may not have in place equivalent privacy policies.

This website could contain a number of links to other websites, including the websites of our commercial partners. If you use these other websites be sure to check their Privacy Policy as we are not responsible for privacy policies of other websites.

Accessing, changing and deleting your personal information

The General Travel Group Pty Ltd will retain your information in order to allow you to make future purchases from the website, until you request that we delete it from our database. In order to request that your personal information be removed from our database, please send your request to us via email to

Complaints Resolution

The General Travel Group Pty Ltd is committed to providing customers with a fair and responsible system for the handling of customer complaints. If at any time you have any complaints in relation to privacy or the operation of a General Travel Group Pty Ltd website, please contact us at

Security. Is my information safe?

When you request services or place orders via the booking engine or seek to subscribe to our publications , we offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the data we collect is protected by state-of-the-art 'firewalls' against unauthorized access.

Credit Card Security

General Travel Group Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that credit card details are collected and handled in a secure manner. General Travel Group Pty Ltd will take all reasonable steps to protect the credit card details you provide to it by:

  • ensuring that credit card details are transmitted using encrypted SSL/TLS pages with at least 2048 bit certificates.
  • credit card details are stored only for the time required to complete the payment(s) with our financial institution.
  • when stored, credit card details are stored in an encrypted format.
  • while stored, only the first four (4) and last four (4) digits of the credit card number are ever visible to General Travel Group Pty Ltd accounts staff.
  • once a payment transaction is complete, credit card details are destroyed.
  • transaction histories only retain the first four (4) and last four (4) digits of the credit card number for reference purposes.
Opt-in/opt-out policy

When registering with General Travel Group Pty Ltd, unless specified by you at the time, you will automatically be included on our email list:

  • Each email newsletter you receive has simple instructions on how to immediately unsubscribe from our newsletter list. To do this you must use the e-mail addresses you specified at the time of joining.
  • If at any time you decide that you do not wish to receive newsletters, publications and other communications please contact us at If you change or move email addresses please let us know so we can redirect your email to your new address.
Your consent

By using our sites, you consent to the collection and use of this information by the General Travel Group Pty Ltd. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect and how we use it.